João Cruz Oeiras de Portugal adesão a


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quinta-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2023

Longe da vista longe do coração....

 Como consigo explicar esta sensação do ser humano conseguir distanciar-se das situações, lugares e emoções que estão a acontecer agora( mas longe da nossa visão) ao mesmo tempo que bebem um chá ou café, de lareira acesa( caso no hemisfério norte) no conforto do seu lar, e há pessoas a morrer, sofrer, em luto, em dor, numa profunda mágoa e agonia por perder, a sua casa, ou seus familiares, amigos e camaradas, a sua terra e a sua vida? Será pelo facto de termos esta sociedade, em que vivemos juntos aos milhões, mas nao em comunhão? Pelo habito de vivermos juntos mas sectarizados, em conjunto mas sem haver uma comunidade? mas sim numa massa disforme e aglomerado de habitações em que nem ao vizinho se fala e privilegiando o que é nosso e nem deixamos o vizinho invadir o nosso espaço por egoísmo ou sentimento de posse profundo. Em que se dá importância aos pronomes mas nem os nomes dos nossos tios sabemos?

será isto possível e normal? Em pleno século XXI quando ja quase tudo foi dito, debatido, escrito e estudado vivemos para nós e não ligamos a ninguém? até o cão tem mais importância que a avó? E aquele fulano estacionado no meu lugar é mais relevante que aquele que não tem carro porque acabou passou ao estatuto de refugiado?

Donde veio esta frieza, a falta de emoção, o egoísmo, a inveja e soberba mas ausência de sensações por os demais? 

será isto normal?

 É isto evolução?..

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How can I explain this feeling  of us as human beings to be able to distance ourselves from the situations, places and emotions that are happening now (but far from our v) while drinking tea or coffee, with a lit fireplace (in the case of the northern hemisphere) in the comfort of your home, and there are people dying, suffering, in mourning, in pain, in deep sorrow and agony for losing their home, or their family, friends and comrades, their land and their life? Is it because wehave this society, in which we live together in millions, but not in communion? Because of the habit of living together but sectarianized, together but without having a community? but rather in a shapeless mass and cluster of dwellings where we don't even talk to our neighbors and privilege what is ours and we don't even let our neighbors invade our space out of selfishness or a deep sense of ownership. How do we give importance to pronouns but we don't even know the names of our uncles?

Is this ury, when almost everything has been said, debated, written and studied, do we live for ourselves and not care about anyone? Even the dog is more important than the grandmother? And is that guy parked in my place more relevant than the guy who doesn't have a car because he ended up having refugee status?

Where did this coldness, lack of emotion, selfishness, envy and pride but lack of feelings for others come from?

Will this be normal?

 Is this evolution?...

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How can I explain this feeling of us as human beings to be being able to distance ourselves from the situations, places and emotions that are happening now (but far from our sight) while drinking tea or coffee, with a lit fireplace (in the case of the northern hemisphere) in the comfort of your home, and there are people dying, suffering, in mourning, in pain, in deep sorrow and agony for losing their home, or their family, friends and comrades, their land and their life?

 Is it because we have this society, in which we live together in millions, but not in communion? Because of the habit of living together but sectarianized, together but without having a community? but rather in a shapeless mass and cluster of dwellings where we don't even talk to our neighbors and privilege what is ours and we don't even let our neighbors invade our space out of selfishness or a deep sense of ownership. How do we give importance to pronouns but we don't even know the names of our aunts or uncles ?

Is this possible and normal? 

In the 21st century, when almost everything has been said, debated, written and studied, do we live for ourselves and not care about anyone? Even the dog is more important than the grandmother? And is that guy parked in my place more relevant than the boy who doesn't have a car because he is right now fleeing and went from citizen to mere refugee status?

Where did this coldness, lack of emotion, selfishness, envy and pride but lack of feelings for others come from?

Will this be the normal?

 Is this evolution?...

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