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sábado, 27 de janeiro de 2024

Elon Musk

The electric car problem:

His competition is Himself! because as soon as there are more than 30% of electric vehicles, in American territory alone, the filling stations will have to increase fivefold, increasing the waiting time for charging, creating an overload on the system and electrical grid that does not have the capacity to use green electrical energy , such as dams, wind, solar and nuclear, contributing to increasing the production of fossil fuels to accompany their production, which will affect pollution and quality of life for consumers, being more harmful than combustion engine cars, creating a vicious energy circle that will exhaust its main objective of serving to put an end to pollution and will be inversely proportional to its end, depleting not only fossils but also the so-called green energy which will collapse and create the end of stocks and recession 

sexta-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2024

André Ventura


 Este é o subproduto dum Portugal ignorante, inculto, sem noção da sua existência político-social desde a democracia e que torna uma estrela um comentador desportivo ordinário( em ambos os sentidos), com facção desportiva favorável, evitando que questionem a sua responsabilidade e ambição política, o nível, o decoro, a credibilidade, a transparência,  a qualidade na forma e no conteúdo e a sua real persona, para lá do Ego, pedantismo, narcismo, egotismo e ambição pessoal que esconde por detrás das candeias da "Alegoria da Caverna" de Platão.

quinta-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2024

America: It's that Country Matrioska style! On the outside he is a perfect and impregnable manly pedantic Eagle! But you'll see, and over the centuries, you'll peel back the layers... It's nothing more than a rainbow chick, woke, brute, without a threshing floor, without friends, and who needs someone to tell him what to do. what to do and how because he is lost, without purpose, and he needs to be given a hand so he can know how to be in front of ancient nations, understand how to behave at the table without looking like a bimbo and take lessons in etiquette (ethics and morals) from the older brothers because he's nothing more than a snotty bronco...

sábado, 20 de janeiro de 2024

Ai a falar sobre a morte do JFK

Caro Amigo, 

Permita-me discordar. Combinando o método científico e o pensamento crítico e lógico teremos que primeiro saber que te foram dadas informações sobre o incidente que combinaste aparentemente fortuita  mas que obedece a princípios restritos e adição de probabilidades.

 Certo que as balas o atingiu e não há mágica,  apenas física. Citando um conceito da Navalha de Ockham: 

(pluralitas non est

ponenda sine necessitate)

É de excluir hipóteses quando estas não são as mais óbvias tendo em conta imprevistos que sejam prováveis, reduzindo o número de parcelas incognitas.  

A lei de Murphy convida a que se trate os dados passíveis de serem provados por mais absurdos que aparentem.

Apesar de Lee Oswald ser o bode expiatório e a hipótese deveras axiomatica- porém questionável, não no papel do interveniente na acção pretendida, ou seja no que toca à qualidade e quantidade dos disparos efectuados e respectivo o seu êxito( daí que há que questione a sua eficácia e eficiência) e terá obrigatoriamente de se acrescentar factores à direcção e localização do disparo(, sua viabilidade e execução)  e juntar ao resultado final do projecto,além da incognitas da  localização espacial, enumerar seu destino  pessoal como veículo do objecto da localização temporal ao ser  testemunha fundamental no universo dos dados pós-incidente, concluindo que o seu destino foi   oportuno para encobrir dados que nos são fulcrais para o diagnóstico da causa-efeito após o disparo 


sexta-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2024

Jussie Smollett

Comentário  ao:


 This failed plot bordering on cheesy vulgarity was the dawn of Wokism and "Divide and Rule" that the Deep State Elites must have had an orgasm of pride and contentment, not only because they had a trained doll that started the whole story but also caused an unprecedented and unprecedented phenomenon- And the Year Zero of Wokism, Transgenderism, BLMism, the concept of pronouns and all the idiocies provoked, which like a simple spark grew into a

Voracious fire of the social Forest transcending the fire and causing a Brutal Furnace and Hell of racial, gender, social, political division and transformation of an ordered civil society based on a constitution into a divided horde of ordinary and vulgar riffraff! Congratulations Juss!

quarta-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2024

Diferença de Sean e McGregor à luz de Platão

My opinion of both

In a crude interpretation of classical Hellenic philosophy, we can see that everyone in the world of MMA loves McGregor, the Athenian Cosmopolitan, for his exploits in the octagon?? No! For a sports icon! But he IS a circus clown with money! However, without manners and with a giant Ego and 30 different personas (from the Greek "Persona"), in the "Cave watching the Shadows"...

Versão tosca

Then there is Sean, a rural Spartan, perhaps stoic who is a banal being, undoubtedly rude and brutish, but real, true, human and urban, without masks or decorum! Without being part of the figures in Plato's "Allegory of the Cave", already outside the "Cave", looking at the Sun!

In a crude interpretation of classical Hellenic philosophy, we can see that everyone in this world of MMA loves McGregor, the Athenian Cosmopolitan, for his exploits? No! Before being an Icon but a circus clown with money but no manners with a giant Ego and 30 different personas (from the Greek "Persona"), in the "Cave watching the Shadows"...

Then there is Sean, a rural Spartan, perhaps stoic who is a banal being, undoubtedly rude and brutish, but real, true, human and urban, without masks or decorum! Without being part of the figures in Plato's "Allegory of the Cave", already outside the "Cave", looking at the Sun!