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quinta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2025

MILO YIANNOPOULLOS is the one capable of doing the unthinkable: Unite Us!


Surreal bizarro Kafkaesque e Pythonesque 

Truly lurid understand the panel members debate and try to listen to their opinions, as no one understood anyone, but it was clear that whoever opened their mouth did not take the opportunity to counter arguments, it was clear that they all just spoke at the same time, it was clear that they responded with jokes , with the aim of mistreating the opponent and fundamentally the environment, despite the jokes interspersed with bile, which they masked with jokes, with the aim of mistreating the opponent! fundamentally the atmosphere, despite the jokes interspersed with stucco, went from civility to the abyss in an instant, turning a pleasant conversation, between polite human beings, into a dark cave, full of horrendous and vicious homo erectus! 

***Axiomatic example why humanities man will not be able to thrive with the different nations that chance has planted on the same Planet, since he is incapable of resolving his differences over banal socio-political reasons, he will certainly be incapable of dealing diplomatically with other nations, which fortunately swarm and coexist ad nauseaum across the globe and among over 190 countries, around a thousand languages, an enormous racial panoply, hundreds of creeds and religions, in a wealth of customs and cultures, is unity possible amidst the virtue of difference? Man being divergent in language, culture, disparate in customs and of different religion! How to deal with our neighbors if we don't see that what separates us is what unites us, for the simple reason that we must start a dialogue between people, because there is curiosity in realizing that the difference is negligible, when we realize that we are the only ones, in a Ball that rotates around a Star, which in turn rotates in a Median Galaxy, which in turn is among Billions of others and we are alone in the Universal Dark!

Katt Williams

 I like Katt,as a human being, as a gregarious person, and a creature with his own opinion and not the voice of other people, groups or movements. which works in its favor as it shows  he is unique, individual and does not depend on third parties to bring a word to the world on different subjects! Regarding its position in relation to the his humor, his wisdom, and his quick interactions when they are involved in debate.

The theme that annoy peoplethe uproars and respective legends and narratives in which he finds himself involved:" Katt lies, katt knocker, Katt corrupts the discourse!:" 

In my opinion, and after spending time   watching 4 interviews with different speakers, I have doubts  his public personality regarding his social stance, or regarding his position as a star and person with public interaction, I have doubts! I doubt whether he is really like that, or he puts on a mask and wears a subliminal cloak, he covers himself with a cloak in which he transmits somewhat obscure information, he offers an incoherent and/or inconsistent speech, I don't know if on purpose or inadvertently - with the aim of; first, to hide, avoiding demonstrating who he is at his core, or second, to try to impose his pseudo-intellectual persona to be "primo interpares", separating himself from the others to prove himself above the face of the pink magazine thise magazines of elites and society. and it has this characteristic:" I'm different and I don't belong to the herd", in my opinion, because of childhood issues, because it causes insecurity, lack of self-esteem and confidence and lack of self-love.Despite this way of showing himself to the World, there is nothing transcendental about him, and for someone who claims to have read 7,597 books in 2.4 years, then perhaps he should have opted for a deeper, more comprehensive or eclectic reading, as he does not appear to have a general cultural above average, or even have an improved, deep and worked speech, it is worth highlighting that you have a response to match, and a conversation that you can adapt to your interlocutor, being able to simultaneously adapt the conversation whether you are in speak to an astrologer or astronomer, and be sagacious, quick in thought and strategic in the feeling to convey.

The incongruity of a people who want to be free but find themselves chained to the ideals induced by the MSM and social networks


Really? Sweet innocent child???
Listen and open your mind! 

The opinion on a subject is like the colors in the eyes of a colorblind person. Some people see purple, others will say it is crimson. But in my hometown they say that among friends you avoid talking about football, politics and religion. Because we lost a friend and the conversation dispersed into heated discussion as no conclusion was reached...

China bought it! It is indeed axiomatic! But before proceeding to an "auto da fé" like the Spanish inquisition and China, tied to the burning stake, the burden of proof must be reversed and question the real perpetrator: The seller!

The Us owns parts of Iraq, Israel, Syria Libya, Afghanistan, etc wants Greenland, Panamá and to change Gulf of Mexico and you are worried about a country that has more than 5000 years never went to war with no people, country or nation except Tibet and Mongolia and you are worried about a country that is keen on buying US land because the US "Owners" gladly sell it?? Instead of being fooled by the MSM, web plataforms etc! Do your own research "in loco", ask people, question the lower bases of the parties, government and municipalities and you shall be free!


How do you live free and express yourself without oppression when you are allowed to read and see what is placed in your hands, through the screens, are the words spoken by sources that you do not question, and will be delivered by those you do not know, and they restrict you to the information they want you to know(giving a vision or a new look that is familiar to you) as they access your history, channel your algorithm, remix it and add it to your political-social position and Do you all agree with your opinion formed by your concepts, idiosyncrasies and thus condition your way of thinking? As soon as you act and be...

auctoris antescript: 

unfinished opinion and the text to be written.

quinta-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2025

Acidente sara carreira

Há diversos factores a considerar após ter-se envolvido num acidente, e entre os vários, há dois fundamentais, os racionais e emocionais. Neste caso, e sendo uma Mãe, transportando uma filha, o unico factor a considerar será o cérebro determinar o factor emocional, que será, obviamente, salvar a filha, assim, aquele órgão( a massa cinzenta que opta entre o emocional e o racional) despoletaria uma ordem que irá  sobrepor-se a todas as outras:

" Cristina: Tira a tua filha da zona de perigo!" 

E nesses nanossegundos, uma vez que essa ligação Mãe-Filho é sacramental e é mais que uma ligação carnal, sentimental ou umbilical é digamos algo de transcendental e que quiçá faz libertar Ocitocina, prolactina e vasopressina , e com diversas dendrites, sinapses e neurónios a dispararem a mesma mensagem mas com diversos advérbios no seu inicio:




E esta ordem está expressamente   remetida nestas 3 ( ou mais) mensagens e após criadas,são disparadas e executadas, pois  sendo um pedido de urgência máxima o nosso órgão cinzento conecta pontes, cria túneis, engendra corta-matos, ultrapassa barreiras, transpõe o seu próprio sistema operativo físico para atingir com eficácia e eficiência o seu objectivo! Ou mesmo transpõe sua matéria física e usa a  mecânica quântica em que transcende o espaço tridimensional expressa a ação à distância ou o paradoxo de Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen em que a causa-efeito é simultânea!( mas aqui entrámos na física,  quando estamos apenas num exemplo  social do plano emocional-racional) mas adiante...

Não sei se o Senhor já esteve envolvido num acidente de viação numa autoestrada; à noite, pavimento molhado, a chover( visibilidade reduzida por factores diversos: a própria chuva, o para-brisas por dentro com condensação, as luzes dos outros carros após passar pelos gotas no vidro criam efeitos difusores ou prismas,etc),mais os vários carros a passarem, etcetera etcetera e caso tenha o azar de ser o causador do acidente e bater num carro, ou baterem no seu há mais variáveis a considerar....

E Quando tudo pára! 1)Depois de levar com airbag na cara e os G's da travagem, 2)a primeira reacção é:" estou vivo!", 3)a segunda é questionar( se tiver familiares, amigos,ocupantes no veículo): "como estás? Está tudo bem? Magoaste-te?" Entretanto já passaram mais de 30 segundos,4)( a 120km/h um carro faz 1 km nessa distância) e se batesse no seu...teria a probabilidade de estar agora a sentir os G,s da batida traseira, após o seu carro estar novamente imobilizado, que significaria, já não fazer caso da alinea 1) e repetir  as alíneas 2) e 3) para evitar uma 4)!

MAS  pressupondo um cenário menos nefasto, ou seja, retirando-nos da alínea 4), recordando que é um cenário traumatico e que varia de pessoa para pessoa, teria como objectivo a segurança 5) verificar especialmente a sua localização: estou encostado à berma esquerda( perigo),se estou no meio das vias( perigo) ou se estou encostado à berma direita( menor perigo). Ligar os 4 piscas e se o carro andar chega-lo para a berma, vestir o colete, sair do carro pela porta esquerda, abrir o porta-bagagens e ir colocar o triângulo de forma a não ser atropelado mas a  ser visível! 

Tudo isto é muito fácil na teoria caso se tenha magoado, ou o carro capotado, ou ambos torna a tarefa hercúlea ou impossível, portanto não desejo isto a ninguém! E fui para o São José...