João Cruz Oeiras de Portugal adesão a


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segunda-feira, 22 de abril de 2024


01:20:00(approx) Dollar schism: so that's it!Here's the big question! The problem is not if Russia wins over Ukraine, if Palestine is free, Iran cuts the shipping lines to and through the Strait of Hormuz and bombs the whole of the Oil entreprises and companies in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Qatar, UAE etc etc, and this will cause a great problem and There will be a big fuss in the USA because of what'shappening, but what can bring the biggest impact, , is the Brics summit, and not just the summit itself, but its resolutions, solutions and conclusions to the problem of dollar transactions. Because if all the Brics' countries,and possibly more countries that are in doubt, or even are in recession and those that are really interested in participating (or  and fed up with North American sanctions, rules and pressure), can create by 2030 a "bricodollar" and also an international exchange currency  like the "Euro" which will be almost 40% of the world economy and more than 65% of world population and these guys join up (these numbers are just projections without any real value but rather speculative), I don't even want to see what will become of the world economy! Jesus Christ! ALSO knowing that the American debt is increasing by 1.1 trillion per quarter, and inflation is rising sharply, and the fact that they are lending money to Ukraine, Israel and the MIC (WITHOUT GIVING A DIME TO THE FRONTIER! but that's another thing) causes them to have to create more paper money, which causes the currency to depreciate and inflation continues to increase, creating pressure on the American working class who on any given day do not have enough money for their daily lives and do not there is money for a mortgage, there is an increase in unemployed people, homelessness, drug addiction and we have a problem that if we don't stop to think about it, review our policies, we will find ourselves in a dead end, or a bottomless hole, or a situation that will be irrevocable and impossible to resolve, due to irresponsibility, incompetence and ignorance of current politics in not having the vocation to see what is being created for the future, because they are greedy and only look at now! and this is extremely dangerous and will have very serious consequences! and I see the future BLACK! My God!

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