What an anticlimactic stuff! The Gods above below and beyond are quasi in an 0( zero) energy status = m. C²}where mass is also zero and light speed stopped causing a sudden commotion in the Universe because this status was only seen before Time started and we here for a millionesimal fraction of a microsecond a "Big" preceeding the "Bang" so the Universe Ownself has to create a singularity( with a reset and repeat the entire and infinite universal system), to put it again, before this "non-axiomatic happening", with a extreme precision to calculate, and put, everything in the same place( position, timing, energy, entropy, gravity, acceleration, vibration, etc till the last boson!)avoiding a deja vu or flash back, on the infinitum, ergo, the Causality to the whole range of the hyper, meta and para-reality don't even notice, that a "non-possible unrealistic incalculable" momentum, on space-time flow that could revert the Universe to a "Bang" 100¹⁰⁰ Ųnyears sooner. Being a Ų:the time the Universe takes to the last particule alone, to stop spinning and dissipate in a greater explosion of energy because c2.m= 0! And a moment after in a Planet there's someone that is writing this down. and, you! YES You! are in an absolute instance of rage, disdain, real offended, begin to write a comment about( and You are expanding! faster than C in a vacuum! observing the creation of your particules! and rotating in a infinite event horizon of a Blackhole infinitely wider and wider! You cross to the other side and you see yourself writing this down! And eternum till the event of this Ending...or I just see you and me spaghettified throughout the wholeness on an eternal loop...
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